Specialty Treatments

At Ari Pediatric Dentistry in London, one of our top priorities is to advocate for accessible oral health care for all, including vulnerable groups who require special oral health care.


Infant Frenectomy

What is a Lip or Tongue tie?

What are some of the symptoms?

  • Painful feeding for parent

  • Decreased milk production

  • Gas and/or colic

  • Loud suckling or clicking noises

  • Messy feeding

  • Difficulty staying latched to breast or bottle

  • Acid reflux

  • Poor weight gain or failure to thrive

What is a Frenectomy?

A frenectomy is a minor same-day surgical procedure used to correct a lip or tongue tie.

What do I do?

If you suspect that your child may have a lip or tongue tie that requires revision, please reach out to our office to schedule a consultation with our specialized team.

What to expect at our office?

Comprehensive care from our specialized team includes:

  • Consultation and assessment with our doula and pediatric dentist

  • Gentle and thorough guidance of the procedural process and aftercare expectations to ensure informed consent to treatment

  • After-hours access to our doula and pediatric dentist for any questions or concerns

  • In-person or virtual follow-up care to assess healing and support families with any continuing challenges

  • Option for additional feeding support with our doula at your request.

  • Sedation options for toddlers and children

LightScalpel C02 Laser Frenectomy:

  • The LightScalpel laser has many benefits for patients over traditional surgical methods, such as: minimized bleeding, less swelling and discomfort, reduced risk of infection, shortened procedure time, and smoother recovery.

  • Our pediatric dentists are trained to follow the highest standard of care and treatment with a laser is as safe as any other instrument that you may find in a dental office.

  • All laser treatments require patients and practitioners to wear protective eyewear. Protective goggles will be provided during your infant’s procedure to avoid laser exposure.

Click here to Meet Our Doula – Jennifer Munro – Full Spectrum Doula

Special Care Dentistry

At Ari Pediatric Dentistry in London, one of our top priorities is to advocate for accessible oral health care for all, including vulnerable groups who require special oral health care.

Special Care Dentistry is concerned with: The improvement of oral health of individuals and groups in society who have a physical, sensory, intellectual, mental, medical, emotional or social impairment or disability or, more often, a combination of a number of these factors.

Oral health is an important part of healthy daily living. Persons who live with cognitive and developmental disabilities are often prone to develop dental cavities and gum disease, which can negatively impact their overall health and ability to complete normal daily activities.

Special Care Dentistry benefits patients by taking a comprehensive view of oral health, and working with all members of an individual’s care team to achieve the most appropriate and integrated care plan and treatment.

Should you have any questions concerning Special Care Dentistry and the services that we provide, please contact the office and we will be glad to assist you.

Early Orthodontic Treatment

Discover the Advantages of Early Orthodontic Treatment

  • Protect your child’s future smile

  • Save time and money by acting now

  • Fewer dental appointments for your child

  • Boost your child’s confidence

  • Ensure proper speech and eating technique

Could your child need early orthodontic treatment? The Canadian Association of Orthodontists says that the perfect time for an evaluation is between 6 and 8. This is when the first permanent molars emerged, making it possible for any of our London pediatric dentists to notice any emerging concerns. While treatment may not be necessary until years down the road, this appointment will give you an idea of what to expect and have a plan in place for the future.

Did you know… your child can inherit orthodontic issues or they can be the result of dental disease, abnormal swallowing, or injury.

7 Signs your Child may need Orthodontic Treatment

  • Speech issues

  • Crooked teeth that meet in an abnormal bite

  • Problems chewing or biting food

  • Top or bottom jaws appear large or small

  • Crowding occurs as permanent teeth come into place

  • While chewing, they inadvertently chew or bite their lips

While your child still has baby teeth in their mouth, there are various problems we can detect including crossbites, underbites, excessively spaced teeth, teeth that meet abnormally or not at all, crowding, and problematic thumb sucking that is detrimental to the development of the teeth and jaws.

At Ari Pediatric Dentists, we see kids from infancy all the way through to their teen years. We have several programs and services that can make a difference in the development of your child’s smile. We know that it can be easier to treat certain orthodontic conditions earlier rather than later. So, don’t hesitate to reach out and speak to our team!

Airway Focused Dentistry

Stimulates Growth & Development

Your Child can Benefit from Airway-Focused Breathing

  • Better body function & development

  • Maximum growth potential

  • Increased energy and focus

  • Help your child hit their full potential

  • Healthier breathing habits

There are many reasons why you should breathe in through your nose instead of the mouth. You’re able to take deeper breaths, which provides more oxygen to the body. And that makes for healthy tissue and organ function. Other wonderful benefits include balanced pH levels, a feeling of calmness, and better athletic performance. Proper breathing through the nose is essential. At Ari Pediatric Dentistry, we realize this, and it’s why we offer airway-focused dentistry.

According to research published by the National Library of Medicine, approximately half of all children regularly breath through their mouths. Unfortunately, most parents and kids are unaware of how this could be harming their health and development.

7 Ways your Child’s Health can be Impacted

  1. Obstructive sleep apnea

  2. Crowded/crooked teeth

  3. Frequent infections (tonsillitis, ears, etc.)

  4. Bedwetting

  5. Low energy level

  6. Picky eating

  7. Altered facial growth

By bringing your child into our pediatric practice, we’ll identify if mouth breathing is an issue and offer ways to correct it. The earlier we catch it – ideally before the age of 5 – the better. These are the years when growth potential is at its highest point.

During an appointment, we’ll see that your child has the best possible tongue and lip rest posture and that they are breathing through their nose correctly and feeding and sleeping. Depending on what we find, we may recommend myofunctional therapy or a frenectomy.

Call today! Our team would love to hear from you and get your child scheduled for a thorough check of their breathing technique.

Myofunctional Therapy

Retrain your Child’s Smile with Myofunctional Therapy

  • easier breathing

  • reduce headaches

  • a better night’s sleep

  • minimize the risk of gum disease

  • better digestion

If your child is having difficulty breastfeeding, chewing, swallowing, or speaking, they may need to undergo myofunctional therapy – available at Ari Pediatric Dentistry.

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Orofacial myofunctional therapy retrains the orofacial muscles and helps correct a range of functional disorders, including:

  • mouth breathing

  • improper chewing

  • unusual swallowing

  • poor tongue rest position

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD) often go unrecognized in children and adults and can affect breathing, swallow patterns, muscle tension, and the ability to chew foods properly. OMDs are a symptom of functional and structural changes that lead to abnormal growth and development of the facial structures. TMJ issues, grinding, clenching, nail-biting, sleep breathing disorders, tooth pain, headaches, and neck pain are all possible symptoms of a myofunctional disorder or tongue tie.
At Ari Pediatric Dentistry, our goal is to educate and create awareness of orofacial myofunctional therapy and help in the individual development and reeducation of orofacial muscles to correct swallow patterns and improve airways in children.

Proper Rest & Swallow

At proper rest, the tongue should naturally rest on the mouth’s roof inside the upper teeth. The lips should be sealed. This proper rest position helps in the development of the upper palate and facial bones.

A good swallow pattern allows the tongue to create a proper seal while swallowing. The front of the tongue should be resting on the palate while the back of the tongue carries the food to the back of the mouth.

Re-educating the muscles

The main goals of therapy are to achieve a proper swallow pattern and proper rest position of the orofacial muscles.  This includes promoting a lip seal, preventing parafunctional habits, promoting correct chewing patterns, and developing airway and promoting nasal breathing. This involves simple exercises done two to three times per day.


This stage of therapy is ongoing for several weeks but can be done independently. There will be periodic check-ins with the myofunctional therapist to change the exercises according to the needs of the individual.

Benefits of Therapy

Orofacial myofunctional therapy may improve some of the following:

  • swallow patterns

  • muscle tension in head and neck

  • headache relief

  • airway and breathing

  • digestion

  • dental arch development-correct chewing patterns

  • lower risk of periodontal disease

  • improve facial tissue tone

  • facial development

  • quality of sleep

  • speech (if speech is the primary concern, a referral will be made to a speech and language pathologist)

Myofunctional therapy needs commitment from clients and parents to achieve the maximum benefits of proper swallow patterns and orofacial rest positions.

Myofunctional therapy assessment & sessions

This appointment takes about 60-90 minutes. Oral function, occlusion, and extensive medical and psycho/social history will be collected. Diagnostic photos will be taken and a detailed treatment plan created. An orofacial myofunctional therapist will do this, but a dentist will complete the tongue assessment and diagnosis.

These appointments are 30-45 minutes and involve assessing 0rofacial function, motivational interviewing, education, and implementation of Myofunctional therapy exercises where indicated. The exercises are simple and should take no longer than 10 minutes, two to three times per day. The sessions can be in person or virtually. These myofunctional therapy appointments are scheduled according to your child’s needs.

Often the therapy is done in association with a tongue tie and/or lip tie release.  Before this procedure, some exercises may be required to strengthen the head, neck, and tongue muscles to allow better function post-operatively.

After the tongue is released, there will be additional myofunctional therapy sessions. The goals of therapy are different for each person. They include:

  • palatal tongue placement during swallowing, speech & at rest

  • correct swallowing

  • good nasal breathing both day and night

The number of myofunctional therapy sessions varies from person to person. Therapy is complete once good oral function has become habitual.

Have any questions about myofunctional therapy? Contact our team at your London pediatric dentist today!

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519 679 9860
226 663 8748
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    London Children's Dentistry

    Give us a Call Today!

    As a pediatric dentist in London at Ari Pediatric Dentistry, we love looking after the oral health of children of all ages in our community. Contact us today! We’ll help your child get started on the right foot.

    About Ari Dental

    We are a friendly team of dentists, hygienists and receptionists who work together to ensure that you receive the best treatment you require.
